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Patient Participation Group

Important: Patient Participation Group AGM

To be held on:
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at 7.30pm

The Royal British Legion Club
Wellington Road
RG45 7LJ

– Any agenda items must be received 4 weeks prior to this date.

– Any patient who wishes to stand on the PPG please contact the chairman

Andy Wells-King, chairman,

What is the Patient Participation Group?

We are patients just like you, and over 50% of GP practices in England now have a Patient Participation Group (PPG).

The purpose of the PPG is to ensure that patients and carers are involved in decisions about the range, shape and quality of services provided by the practice. We are a group of active volunteer patients that work in partnership with the practice staff and GPs, and we feel this is essential to achieve high quality and responsive care. Our group was formed in January 2010 and meets, together with a member of the practice, at regular intervals and we are known as The Patients’ Group.

We work in partnership with the practice to:

  • Provide the patients’ perspective to ensure that services, plans and activities respond to their needs and priorities – a ‘critical friend’
  • Foster communication with the wider patient population and building stronger Patient / Doctor relationships
  • Provide practical support to practice teams e.g. conducting and analysing patient surveys, attending flu clinics, a Christmas party for some of the older patients, organising health awareness events etc
  • Help other patients take more responsibility for their health and make informed decisions

Please take a look at our Patient Participation Group notice board which is permanently displayed in the waiting room. It provides information on current activities as well as our latest newsletter which you can also read by clicking here.

Current PPG members

The following patients represent you on the committee:

  • Andrew Wells-King (Chair)
  • Mary Twomey (Treasurer)
  • Jasmin Bushnell (Secretary)
  • Judy O’Regan
  • Sue Honey
  • Noel Twomey
  • Garry Curran
  • Brenda Metcalf
  • Sally Abbott
  • David Broderick
  • Sheila Dinan (Surgery representative)
  • Michelle Henderson (Surgery representative)

Please contact Andy if there is anything you would like to discuss.

We are always on the lookout for new members so, again, contact us if you are interested in joining our happy band.

The following officers were happy to serve again. These are as follows:

  • Chair – Andy Wells-King
  • Secretary – Jasmin Bushnell
  • Andy Wells-King – Chair of the Patients’ Group

Join our Patient Participation Group

The surgery maintains a database of patients (The Patient Reference Group) that have volunteered to disclose their contact details so that they can receive, via email, surgery related information, questionnaires and newsletters from time to time. The Surgery wishes to help the PPG to expand this to a wider range of patients and would like to ask you if you would please join the Patient Reference Group.

To join our Patient Reference Group:

PPG events

We organise local health events. We have previously held health events which focused on Diabetes in March 2017 and Emotional Wellbeing and You on 27 September 2018. More recently, we held a Diabetes Type 2 awareness health event on 27 April 2022.

We hope to organise another health event in the future. Watch this space!

Social walking for health and for pleasure

The Patients’ Group have walks every month, usually the second Monday, not just for fitness, but also for a coffee and a chat as a social event. We have a fair number of regular members but could really do with a few more, so why not give it a try? We are a friendly lot, and we usually go to places such as Frimley Lodge Park, South Hill Park, Dinton Pastures etc, but we are always open to new suggestions. We have a gentle stroll of a mile or two, and then go to the café for tea or coffee (and sometimes a cake), and plenty of chat. This group is very much patient led, even deciding where the next walk should be, so they can be whatever you want them to be, at a speed that suits you, so why not give it a try?

If you want to know any further details or indeed the date and location of the next walk, feel free to give me a ring.

Andy Wells-King 01252 874298


Although raising monies for charity is not one of our primary aims, we do raise money from the sale of second hand books and from donations from the walking group.

We have collected in previous years for Southampton Children’s Hospital and Naomi House, and our last charity was Hearing Dogs for Deaf People to whom we sent a total of £1100. Every year or two we pick a new charity. More information on our charity – My Cancer, My Choices.

What is the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB)

1 July 2022 marked the establishment of the NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (ICB BOB), which has replaced the now dissolved NHS Clinical Commissioning groups (CCG’s).

As one of 42 new Integrated Care Boards in England, the BOB ICB will bring together GP teams, hospitals, local authorities, the voluntary sector and other partners to plan and deliver health and care services for more than 19 million people across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West.

For further information, click here

There will be dialogue with local groups, including the Wokingham area PPG Forum of which New Wokingham Road Patients’ Group is a founder member. So, if you want to have your voice heard, let us know any thoughts you may have, or make sure you are part of the Patient Reference Group.

Download the latest PPG reporting template 2014/2015 (PDF)

Meeting minutes and Newsletters

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 28 January 2025