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Nursing team

Nurse practitioners

Fiona, female

Advanced nurse practitioner

Fiona holds nurse practitioner clinics Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Marcela, female

Marcela holds nurse practitioner clinics on Tuesdays.

Fiona and Marcela work closely with the doctors, seeing patients with acute, minor or ongoing problems.

Practice nurses


Practice nurses provide: family planning, chronic disease management, baby immunisations, wound management and NHS travel immunisations, amongst many other services.

Assistant practitioner


Assistant practitioners support the nursing team, providing phlebotomy, ECGs, dressings, removal of stitches, urine sample testing and monitoring of blood pressure.

Dawn specialises in diabetic care planning, when receiving your review letter, please make an original half hour appointment with Dawn to go through your foot check, blood tests and blood pressure.

Healthcare assistant


Healthcare assistants support the nursing team, providing phlebotomy, general health checks for hypertension, blood pressure monitoring, BMI and pre diabetes reviews.



Helen holds a phlebotomy clinic on Friday mornings.

District nurses

Specialists in providing nursing care at home, they are based at Wokingham Hospital. Please call 0118 904 6700 to contact them.

Health visitors

Our health visitors are specially trained nurses in all aspects of healthcare, particularly in pre-school age children and the elderly.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 7 January 2025