Safe Surgery

Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. If you don’t have proof of ID or address, you can still register. Immigration status or nationality don’t matter – reception won’t ask for immigration documents and won’t share your information with the Home Office unless serious crime is involved.

In partnership with Doctors of the World UK, we will ensure that our practice offers a welcoming space for everyone who seeks to use our services. 

/8Don’t have documents? Don’t worry, please view the documents poster (PDF).

If you wish to register, please speak to a member of staff who can help and support you with the process of registration. Ask reception for an interpreter if you find it difficult to communicate in English.

For more information, visit the link below where you will be able to find a series of resources addressing common questions including how to register with a GP, COVID 19 and the vaccine as well as keeping young people healthy:

New patient health questionnaire – English and foreign languages

NHS England has commissioned Doctors of the World UK (DOTW UK) to produce an adult and a child patient health questionnaire for refugees and people seeking sanctuary in the UK. See below for English and foreign language versions of this form: