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Flu vaccination is safe and effective. It’s offered every year through the NHS to help protect people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.

The NHS website provides information about who can get it, how to book and where to get the vaccine.

Find out about flu vaccination for adults

Find out about flu vaccination for children


COVID-19 vaccination is safe and effective. It gives you the best protection against COVID-19.

The NHS website provides information about the vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects.

Find out about COVID-19 vaccination


The HPV for all leaflet has now been revised and is available to download and print in Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Farsi, French, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Spanish, Tigran and Russian.

HPV for all – English (PDF)

HPV for all – Tigran (PDF)

For a full list of translations, please visit

Travel vaccinations

The NHS can provide the following vaccinations for travel:

  • Polio (given as combination with Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio)
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera

Please note that the surgery does not run a travel clinic. You will therefore need to confirm which vaccinations you require prior to arranging an appointment with us. The following website provides information regarding vaccines and where you can find your local travel clinic:

MASTA Travel Health | For All Your Vaccination advice

We can print out a copy of your vaccinations record to take with you should you decide to book an appointment with a travel clinic, please phone or email the surgery to request this.

Please allow 2 weeks for us to ensure we have stock of your required vaccination(s) and we recommend that vaccines are administered at least two weeks prior to travel.

Complete a travel risk assessment online form.


Everyone turning 75 years old on or after the 1st September 2024 will be offered a single dose of RSV vaccine. This is because older adults are more at risk of serious complications from RSV. You can still get the vaccine up to the day before you turn 80. For more information you can visit the following website.

RSV vaccine – NHS

Related information

NHS vaccinations and when to have them

Page published: 4 July 2023
Last updated: 13 November 2024