COVID-19 and Your Information


As we move away from the initial response to COVID-19 the health and social care system will need to continue to take action to manage and mitigate the spread and impact of the outbreak. This includes ensuring that approved researchers can continue to securely access pseudonymised data held by GP IT systems to assist the health and care service’s response to COVID-19. By recognising trends in COVID-19 diseases and identifying risks it poses; controlling and preventing the spread of COVID-19; monitoring and managing outbreaks.

You can find further information below:

Legal Basis

In order to share personal confidential data with other agencies for research or planning.

Either the Article 6 1 (a) and 9 2 (a) Explicit consent will be required. And 6 1 (c) compliance with a legal obligation or

The Processor would need to meet Section 251 CAG approval. or

It would need to be approved under direct care to patients Article 6 1 (e) Public Task and 9 2 (h) Health data.


COVID vaccination Hubs, BIOBANK, Oxford University